10 day Ayurvedic digestive cleanse with Gopali Grace.
A healthy digestive system is the key to good health. When our digestion is balanced our energy levels and weight will naturally become balanced, even our mind becomes more peaceful and calm.
This is a short cleanse aimed at creating balance in your digestive system. It wont leave you feeling deprived or depleted rather energised and balanced.
This Cleanse Includes:
• Cleanse kit plus 3 x 1 step ready to make kitchari sachets for monotone fast days.
• Cooking class and recipes
• Support from a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner
• Cleansing yoga and pranayama classes
• Structured cleanse booklet
• 1 x Ayurvedic massage and discounted extra Ayurvedic treatments during cleanse (optional)
$399 for Free flow yoga members $450 for non free flow yoga members ( includes unlimited yoga classes).
A healthy and balanced digestion naturally leads to balanced weight, mind and energy levels, it is the key to good health.
For enquiries and booking – gopalidoyle@gmail.com / 0488 799 836